You are in the right place! Booking a private taxi service to or from Savona Center with is easy and safe: choose the trip, the vehicle (standard taxi or minibus, limo upon request), insert your data and choose to pay with secure system like PayPal or Credit Card. Clear and affordable fares for your travel to or from Savona Center. Try our services!
A modern fleet of minibus and cars, with high levels of comfort, is at your disposal. Luxury car with chaffeur available upon request, for an exlusive travel experience. Book now your transfer to or from Savona Center and find out why our customers are happy and satisfied.
You can purchase our services with no worries and in total safety thanks to the most reliable technologies. In fact you can buy your private taxi transfer to or from Savona Center paying via PayPal, or Credit Card by SSL 128 bit secured online paying system "GestPay" from Banca Sella. If you prefer, you can pay via bank transfer.